Overcrowded teeth no more a big problem:

Dentist Winnipeg 1So you have problem with your teeth just because these are overcrowded. So these do not look fine or simply it does not suit to your personality. So you want to get rid of these. In case of crooked or crowded teeth, here are so many problems people have to face due to crooked and crowded teeth. People can’t easily chew; they can’t even easily brush their teeth. In this way tooth loss and other dental disease might harm their teeth. Following are the problems people might have to face due to crowded teeth

  • No proper chewing
  • People could not bite things easily
  • Teeth could not cleaned easily
  • Brushing is too difficult on crowded teeth thus tooth loss may cause
  • So much stress on teeth, jaws and muscles that may cause lock jaw, or the loss of tooth
  • People may have difficulty in speaking like lisp
  • vague appearance of the face

So if you are facing any of the above mentioned problems you really need to visit
Dentists in winnipeg in this regard. Once you got to know the facts about your teeth it become very easy to diagnose this problem. May be your dentist suggest some orthodontist who is expert in surgical treatment. Certainly this is big problem, if you can’t chew or bite with ease. If your face movement could not be done easily then consultation from Cosmetic Dentist becomes very necessary. So it’s all about to spend your life with ease.

What is best treatment?

Invisalign WinnipegOrthodontist will do some inspection by taking x-rays, photographs of your face. Along with he will also capture your teeth and face impression to decide what type of treatment will suit you. X-rays disclose all facts about your teeth, what their actual position is, how they are placed and where they are rooted exactly. It is very difficult to operate crowded teeth. It’s very difficult to disconnect teeth if they got rooted, every tooth is connected with brain and sometime it is very critical to displace such teeth. This structure is only visible through cephalometrics or panoramic X-rays clearly highlight the connection of teeth with jaws and brain. Sometimes it happens that your dentist might test your jaw on regular intervals to get information about the positioning of the teeth. They also try to take the impression of your teeth; this is done by taking your bite on soft material, to make accurate copy of your teeth, only to examine.

Overcrowded teeth can be operated:

recurrent-gum-infect-01City center dentist in this regard strongly recommends orthodontist for the people who have crowded teeth. Once you have been properly examined your orthodontist can better tell you what treatment can be good for your crooked or misaligned teeth. For misaligned teeth, orthodontist may recommend removable retainer or invisalign. These retainer may help to fix the teeth on the right place, it also help them to stabilize the teeth on the new position.

In this way, the tooth position could be corrected. In case of overcrowded teeth, teeth need to be removed so that stress should be reduced on the lower jaw. After the removal of crowded teeth, retainers are placed to support the teeth so that they can be fixed on their place. Braces are necessary to correct the problem. In case of under bite or overbite, operation may be recommended by the orthodontist.

Fluoride your protection shield against tooth attacks

imagesDo you know fluoride is essential for your dental health and the deficiency of fluoride leads to tooth decay? Fluoride is a mineral that can be found in foods. The demineralization of fluoride is caused due to acidity after meal and plaque. Plaque becomes the very cause of decaying tooth enamel, and acidity increased the growth of bacteria in the mouth. The mineral can be absorbed by taking the vegetables containing minerals like Fluoride, calcium, and phosphate in foods and lots of water. The process of re-mineralization reduces the fear of tooth decay caused by demineralization.

Fluoride makes your teeth stronger against the attack of bacteria and acidity in the mouth and prevents tooth decay and restores tooth enamel. For the growth of teeth in children, Fluoride is essential for the development of permanent teeth. Hence, Fluoride is the best check against the tooth decay. With fast mineralization it reduces the risk of acid production in already affected teeth of the people of all age-groups.

Resources of Fluoride:

Cosmetic DentistryFluoride can be taken from different resources like vegetables and water. Fluoride can also be applied in the form of toothpastes and mouth wash. Mouth wash contains low intensity of fluoride available at stores that can be used after taking meal. The high intensity of fluoride can only be used according to
Dentist Winnipeg suggestion. In case of fluoride deficiency your teeth are getting sensitive or shaky. The immediate treatment given by dentist is coating the teeth with gel, foam or varnish containing intense fluoride. With the help of mouth guard gel and foam is applied to the teeth. This treatment has the duration of one to four minutes.Fluoride can also be taken in the form of tablets and liquids depend on the suggestions of yourDentists in winnipeg.

When fluoride intake is important?

TMJ11Fluoride is the healthy ingredients for children and infants. The age of 6 months to 16 years is the critical age for primary and permanent teeth respectively. Fluoride is essential for the people of all age-groups. Fluoride intake in toothpastes, mouth wash and in fluoride treatments proved beneficial in the restoration of tooth enamel. These treatments at shine dental have proved a strong check against the tooth decay. More healthy and strong teeth are guaranteed when the use of fluoride is at appropriate level.

When fluoride treatments are inevitable:

Here are so many conditions in which fluoride intake becomes important. Additional fluoride treatment helps to reduce these problems.

Dry mouth is the major cause and requires additional fluoride intake.

PreventingToothDecay04In addition, people with certain conditions may be at increased risk of tooth decay and would therefore benefit from additional fluoride treatment. They include people who are suffering from dry mouth need to use more fluoride to avoid such malady. The lack of saliva makes difficult to chew food particles. The food particles remaining in teeth caused cavity, therefore acidity increased that is hard to be neutralized in dry mouth.

On the other hand, it makes ground for gum diseases because due to dry mouth acidity increased. The main cause of tooth enamel decay and in result your tooth roots is exposed to bacteria, thus increasing the risk of tooth decay. Gingivitis is an alarming situation for a health conscious person. In this situation, just visit regularly to your dentist.

Foods that can whiten your teeth:

Yesterday I read the post how to whiten your teeth by using natural foods. It’s quite interesting to know that foods especially fruit can bring a lot of good for our teeth. I always suggest in my blogs to my readers to develop good eating habits so here in this blog I am sharing with you how much foods are vital for your teeth. Fresh fruits, lots of water, fresh vegetable are some of the food items that can make your teeth whiter than before. These healthy food items contain essential elements that are good to keep teeth healthy.

Enjoy fruits and keep your teeth pearl white.

Milk and yoghurt is on top of the list, you can say these dairy items as power dose for your teeth. Calcium is essential for teeth and these food items contain abundance of calcium which not only strengthen your teeth but also make your teeth white. But all of rich-calcium foods are not god for your teeth like spinach that may cause pigmentation. To get the sparkling smile use yoghurt in your lunch time and a glass of milk in your breakfast says Dentist Winnipeg.

Crunching is good for your teeth.

Crunching fruits and vegetables like pears and broccoli is good for your teeth. Pears help to reduce bad smell from your teeth. Increases saliva growth and helps to remove debris from your mouth so chewing fruits and vegetables in. dentist Winnipeg recommends to chew broccoli because it does not stick with your teeth. So you find no stain on the surface of your teeth. Give a natural brushing and gentle massage to your teeth by crunching these fruits and vegetables.
Dentists in winnipeg also suggests vegetables containing lots of water like carrots, it not only good for your teeth but also helps to increase saliva growth which wash away food debris from your teeth.

Water is as much essential as the above discussed food items. For a shimmering smile drink lots of water it prevents pigmentation and stains from your teeth. Water is essential to maintain the level of saliva because it reduce the acidity that affects the enamel of your teeth. But Cosmetic Dentistry suggest not taking concentrated water as much because it can also harm your teeth.

Get rid of discoloration:

The citric fruit items like oranges and strawberries and apple can make your teeth pearl white. Fruits help to maintain saliva level, one orange in one time is good for your teeth because plenty of orange means the loss of your enamel because of plenty of citrus and vitamin C in it. Apple a crunchy fruit strengthen your gums, with its high level of water it increase saliva level and neutralize bacteria that cause bad breath and plaque. So chopping apple men’s you are doing natural brushing or flossing of your teeth. Strawberries act as natural caustic to reduce the tooth discoloration naturally. So make strawberry a part of your daily dose, it’s miraculous.

Seeds and nuts like almonds proves natural bleach for your teeth, it removes discoloration and makes your teeth as pearly as you were wishing to be. By chewing seeds and nuts you do a natural scrubbing of your teeth so plaque is rinsed and stains are removed with full of protein ingredients. So crunching is good and healthy.

Healthy gums you really need


When you laugh or smile, your gums are visible to others and can tell the story of your health. If your gums are healthy its mean you are healthy enough or if your gums are swollen then it is the sign that bacteria are affecting your teeth. If your gums are not treated in the earlier stage, here is a chance that you will lose your happiest smile. Gums inflammation can cause gum bleeding due to aggressive brushing. Tooth loss begins when your tissues got damaged that are used as a protecting shield for your teeth. The inflammation of gums affect your smile, your gums lose the natural color and left a very bad impact on the onlookers.

Do you know how your gums get affected?

Gum inflammation or gingivitis at its early stage cause due to bacteria that build up plaque on your teeth. These bacteria cause inflamed gums and that’s why when you do brush your tooth become so sensitive that it started bleeding during brushing. At this earlier stage of gingivitis, only gums suffer loss, although teeth remain protected in their holes. No loss of tissue o bone is occurred at this stage.

What happens when gums are not treated earlier?

mnmWhen gingivitis is not treated at its earlier stage, it can lead to periodontitis. At this stage the inner layer of the gum left the teeth and the bone. So the protective shield that protects the teeth is no longer available. Teeth become more visible and look odd. In simple words cavity is aroused between teeth. So here are the spaces where all the junk is gathered and infect the teeth thoroughly. At this phase the immune system battles with bacteria as the plaque started to collect near the gum line. Invisalign Winnipeg is not required at this stage. Toxin that has been produced by bacteria makes the bone weaken tears the tissues that hold the teeth. If treatment is not started then more gum and tissues are cracked and affected. So teeth are no longer remain fixed in their place, they started shaking and in result tooth is lost.gum disease is the major cause of tooth loss.

Do you want to lose your teeth?


Toxins or poisons — produced by the bacteria in plaque as well as the body’s “good” enzymes involved in fighting infections — start to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. When this happens, teeth are no longer anchored in place, they become loose, and tooth loss occurs. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in grown-up people. In this case implant Dentistry Winnipeg is crucial. You can have, single, multiple, bone augmentation or implant of all teeth. Choice is yours. Gum diseases mainly occur due to hormonal changes. Sometimes it does happen due to sickness that you got medicine and it’s totally change the condition of your gums. Dental Implants Winnipeg can help you to smile with ease. So that you can’t be reluctant when you want to smile, you worth you teeth, and if you lost them in any way you can get them back it is confirm. In order to have healthy gums one needs to leave bad habits like smoking and maintain good hygiene habits like brushing and flossing.

My teeth my smile


I love my smile, really it is but I love my teeth more than my smile. It is my teeth that make my smile super classing, I can sparkle, and I can laugh only because of my beautiful teeth. My smile makes me more beautiful and confident to see the world in a more realistic way. It’s not what I say; it’s the people who say like this .the smile is not the symbol of beauty, it’s speaks of yourself so when you don’t have a perfect smile. You really miss the most wonderful aspect of your personality.

How to get a beautiful smile


So wear the beautiful smile, if you have broken teeth then don’t be afraid to consult with your Cosmetic Dentist and let them know what the real problem is. Your dentist can suggest you braces, or invisalign for the perfect teeth alignment. Yes, once your teeth get perfectly aligned then the other step is to remove discoloration if you have any. In case of stained tooth or yellow teeth, here are so many treatments.

Bleaching or tooth whitening treatment is used to remove the stain of the teeth. Simply you can get the whiter teeth than ever. Bleaching treatment may be done at the clinic of cosmetic dentists. Sometimes in case of minor discoloration dentist can suggest you to do such treatment at home. So this is very easy to get healthy white teeth and to have a beautiful smile. But this treatment is needed to be done after a fixed period. So you can get the beauty when you required it’s no more in your dreams or added in wish list.

What are the ways?


Healthy white teeth are for all. What you need is to visit your dentist and consult with him. He will examine your teeth by taking X-rays and can recommend you some medication or some treatment. The most necessary thing is the teeth should be properly aligned. If there is cavity or broken teeth then to get a perfect smile become very difficult. If you have broken tooth then don’t worry. Your Cosmetic Dentist Winnipeg can suggest you crown or caps for your teeth. In case of gap between the teeth, or in case of injury you lose your precious teeth, your dentist can recommend the bridge for your teeth. So tooth alignment not only can give you a perfect smile but it can change the shape of your mouth charismatically.

Can I have a perfect smile?

So come in shape and forget about your old look, this is how you can complete yourself. Once you got the perfect smile, you are ready to wrap the world onto your fingers. This is no more your fault, if it is by God, then he has certainly opens so many ways to regain your beauty. Don’t feel hesitant if you have broken teeth, you can get perfect teeth. It does no more can harm your personality and you don’t need to close your mouth publically. Show the world that you have the right to smile and you can smile more beautifully. You have every impression to attract the people. So it’s your teeth and you know very well how to make you smile. So get ready to have a tempting smile.

Wisdom Teeth do you have it?


Wisdom teeth is a third set of molars and every adult wait for this valuable teeth as so many myths are attached with the appearance of these teeth. There is common complaint with the appearance of wisdom teeth that a severe pain is felt into the whole mouth. The reason is this that the teeth are not properly aligned and ultimately needs the detachment.

When wisdom teeth are not properly fixed, it may place horizontally or may get away from the second molars. If the wisdom teeth are not properly aligned, then it can affect the adjacent teeth and jawbones or nerves. Wisdom teeth may get affected as they are confined in the soft tissue of the jaw bone. In this case the partly break through can happen. If the wisdom teeth are partly extracted it can cause infection as bacteria can easily enter the spaces around the tooth. That may cause pain, inflammation or jaw stiffness. Thus the tooth decay is unstoppable and inappropriate positioning can make difficult daily brushing and flossing.

How do you know you have wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth removalMajority of the people don’t know that they are getting wisdom teeth as they are not sure about the symptoms. Consult with your Cosmetic Dentist Winnipeg to have a look about the positioning of wisdom teeth. X-ray of the mouth cans teeth the right story how your wisdom teeth is aligned. Moreover shine dentist after a careful analysis can decide whether you should go to oral surgeon for more inspection.

It depends on the dentist whether he recommends you to extract the wisdom teeth to avoid further complication like pain and swellings. The extraction of wisdom teeth is less painful for young people as the teeth are not properly placed and bone is not solid. While in older people it will take a longer time in healing.

Is removal of wisdom teeth possible?

It depends on the position of wisdom teeth and its stage of development. Dentists in winnipeg can only then plan the removal of teeth. You dentist can better tell what type of suffering you come across and how your pre- removal inspection could be done. A wisdom tooth that is above the gum can easily be removed than any other tooth. On the other hand if the wisdom tooth is enclosed in the gum and connected with jawbone is required a cut in to the gums to extract the tooth. Sometimes the tooth that are enclosed into the gums required to be extract into pieces to minimize the risk of bone that needs to be removed to get the teeth out of it.

How removal of wisdom teeth is done?

no-wisdom-teeth-1Cosmetic dentist while removing the wisdom teeth make the surrounding tissues insensitive by using analgesic. The same medication that is used to insensate a tooth while filling the cavity. Sometimes with the consent of the patient and the dentist it may be decided to use some narcotics to control the pain more effectively. The sedating medications are available in many types like nitrous oxide, valium, intravenous that is infused via injection. If nitrous oxide is used then you can remain conscious while others medications can make you unconscious. After the removal of teeth, the healing process depends what type of extraction is done, if it is quite serious in that case bleeding ,swelling and pain can be expected.

Smile is a perfect gift that one can ever have


A healthy smile can bring for you a happy and healthy life. If you don’t have anything in life, remember God has given you the best gift of smile. A smile can win for you everything in society. When you smile the world smiles back, you get out of stress and you suddenly start feeling happy. In fact a smile can make you more attractive; you look more lively and courteous to others. As much you smile as much you will lose the depression. As someone has boldly said

“If the world has hundreds of reason to make you cry let the world know that you have thousands of reason to smile.”

How does smile effect you?

Do you know what happen when you smile; it makes other people happy too. When you smile the muscles of your mouth activates automatically when you see your friend or watch an interesting incident you smile without having any intention. Absurd! Isn’t it? Remember that smile can bring a lot of good for you so smile even if it is good or worse and in return the universe smile back to you. If you are habitual of giving smiling expression even in your worse that you will really have the power to undo the do.

How can you get a good smile?


Don’t get worried if you don’t have good teeth you can still get a good smile. Cosmetic Dentistry has devised many ways to give you a perfect smile with braces and invisalign aligner, tooth colored ceramic pieces. You can have the better smile if your orthodontist recommends you the above mentioned treatment. Then go with it if you want to chase the pursuit of perfect smile.
Dentists in winnipeg recommends people to brush twice a day if they want to keep their perfect smile for a long time. Flossing can keep your teeth in shape and to kill the bacteria. Get a daily dose of small amount of mouth wash in this way you can get a fresh breath with a sweet smile. Don’t eat unhealthy food like juices and fats and sweets it can harm your teeth. Always do brushing right after one hour f you do brushing immediately it can affect the dentin of your teeth that brings natural shine on your teeth so don’t lose it it’s so much precious.

What you should do to get a good smile:


For a perfect smile you have to keep visiting your Dentist Winnipeg with equal intervals. Your dentist can better know your teeth than you. To make your teeth straight if required than they can suggest you braces or invisalign aligner. In some cases tooth whitening treatment is done by your dentist to give you a perfect smile. Some people have shaky tooth in that case cosmetic dentist recommends filling of your tooth or crowning so that you can dress up a better smile. Once you get perfect smile you are ready to overcome the world. Your social life will take a new move and you will feel really great. No need to take stress that you don’t have a good smile now you can have it very easily. If you have chosen the right dentist who can understand what treatment your teeth required.

Teeth grinding a psychological disorder needs awareness


Strong teeth are the longing of everyone. What if, somebody has strong and healthy teeth and still facing a snag? I have met with so many people who are having healthy teeth but they are habitual of grinding their teeth. People are unaware about the facts, why they do this, even they do clinching when they are sleeping. Long ago clinching or being formally we can say bruxism was considered a habit, but with the advancement of modern sciences it is revealed that teeth grinding is more than a habit. It’s a psychological disorder.
Here I want to share some interesting facts about this malady. Teeth grinding is not only in adults but children are afflicted as well. Actually this is the indication of physical agony, a man or child is facing. In children, it happens, when new teeth are about to appear, children feel pain and swelling in their jaws and itching that cause grinding of teeth.

How does teeth grinding effects:

teethgrinding600x450In adults the case is different, bruxism happens due to stress and headache. People in stress inclined to gnashing their teeth that causes damage of teeth. Certainly in severe cases it does happen due to headache or sore jaw. Such clinching of teeth may lead to broken teeth, and can affect the stumps of the teeth. For such damages, Dentists in winnipeg recommend the following treatments like bridges, root canals, implants, partial dentures and sometimes complete denture is required depend on the severity of the teeth.

Sometimes patients of bruxism don’t know that they are inflicted by such disease. I think people who are suffering from such disease needs consultation from Cosmetic dentist. Because it does a lot of damage to the lower jaw, the teeth can be cracked, moreover TMJs can also be affected that link jaw directly to the skull. This can also intensify earache and headache.

Due to implausible pressure on teeth, sensitivity might be increased, that may cause chipped or crack teeth. So bruxism should be avoided because it’s a bad indication for your teeth. To avoid such malady, people should avoid taking stress, or should control their anger, and spend sometimes in some healthy activities in order to get some relief.

Uneasy circumstances:


Majority of the people clench their teeth, when they are tensed or frustrated. Due to depression people do the same practice while they are sleeping it shows how much they are disturbed inwardly. People who have some outstanding personality traits can avoid it if they get the idea what cost they have to bear. Clinching may be caused due to misaligned teeth. It also depends on the eating habits, diet and sleeping habits.

If someone is not use to of clinching the teeth, he may do this, depends on the certain challenges he is facing in life, it can happen anytime. Some patients don’t know that they are grinding their teeth, this happens because they are doing it abnormally, and they get the idea from their loved one who inform them that they are grinding their teeth in uncertain conditions. For instance, if a person is facing an unidentified pain, earache or headache, or pain in their lower jaw, he can start clinching without noticing it.

No deny that bruxism is inherited from the parents to children, but children recover from this disease when they get adult. To avoid gnashing of teeth people can use plastic mouth guard that is designed to reduce the grinding during sleep. Your Dentist Winnipeg can suggest you mouth guard.

From root canal to sealed tooth


A root canal is a wonderful treatment to protect the teeth that is decayed or left its position due to some injury. Root canal treatment is used to protect and save the teeth from decay or being infected in anyway. This treatment is done when the nerve of the tooth got totally damaged that it can’t maintain the connection of the teeth with the skull. In this case root canal of the teeth is cut off from the teeth and tooth is preserved on its place.
This treatment is quite painful; in fact people are of the view that this treatment as compared to teeth filling is not so much painful. It’s a big relief in reality because you original teeth are preserved for a long time, so what if it is can’t feel the hot and cold. The teeth in other words is dead but still in its original form.

What is dental pulp?

endodonciaIf we talk about the pulp what it is exactly? It is a soft area within the hub of the tooth. The tooth nerve that is considered the life line of the tooth lies in root canal. The root canals start from the tip of the tooth’s root and lasts to the pulp chamber, it consists of blood vessels and connective tissues that provide nourishment to the teeth. A tooth’s nerve is not so important for a tooth, Dentist Winnipeg is of the view that tooth is supported by gum. Root canal is a sensory organ of the tooth so its existence and non existence does not have any impact on the functionality of the tooth.

Why do the people need to be removed?

Then why do people remove Root canal, it is obvious when pulp got damaged it cracks from various positions that disturbs the pulp chamber. In this case bacteria can infect the pulp and inflammation and blister can hurt the tooth badly. The abscess can affect the tooth in such a way that it can harm the roots of the tooth. If such infection harms the root canal the following infection can harm the tooth:

  • Swelling can be seen over the face, neck and head
  • Your tooth may lose bone from the tip of the tooth
  • If it is of sever kind then it can extend out of the root.
  • A hole can be transpired from the tooth or from the skin and exert the fluid out of it just like a drainage.


So a tooth nerve and pulp got damaged, the nerve and tooth pulp might be inflamed o abscess, Dental Implants suggests it happens due to so many oral treatments, fillings or a crack in the tooth. Here are six signs of root canal that make you aware that you’re root canal is getting damaged.

  • The patient can feel toothache pain whenever he chew or put pressure to bite anything
  • Prolonged sensitivity hot and cold abnormality
  • Discoloration (tooth losing its original color)
  • Abscess in the adjacent gums
  • Sometimes people felt pimple on the gums
  • Sometimes it happens without any symptom


So in this case Cosmetic Dentist sealed the tooth, in case of any infection your dentist can put medicine inside the tooth to make it clear from any infection and then the tooth is sealed.

Say bye to crooked teeth and misaligned bites


We meet many people who have crooked, over lapping or twisted teeth. It is somehow mouth structure problem that we face every time. Some people have too small mouth that the teeth could not be adjusted and ultimately the mouth is overcrowded. In this case the teeth have to grow here and there which we call overlapped. This teeth shifting is only due to the improper size of the jaw, sometimes upper and lower jaw of the people does not have the same size that results in overhang of the upper and lower jaw that results in the extension of the teeth beyond the upper jaw.

Some of the Cosmetic Dentist suggests that crooked teeth are hereditary. Some of the other reasons to overbites or misaligned bites in women are due to early loss of baby or due to the growth of adult teeth. Sometimes teeth are crooked because these are not properly aligned like filling or crowns or gum disease, tumors in the mouth. Mostly crook teeth problem is very common among the children such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, prolong us of feeder, and the excess use of nipple are the very cause of crooked teeth.

Problems of crooked teeth:

dental-implants21-300x300Here are so many problems that can be caused due to crook teeth or misaligned bites. Children can’t even chew properly, sometimes these overlapped needs to be eradicated from the roots. In fact cleaning of teeth becomes more Interfere with proper chewing. Making teeth clean become a challenge for these people, if it is not done with care; it causes decay of teeth, cavities and gingivitis. Teeth twisting may increase the risk of tooth loss. It is the stress of teeth on jaws and muscles that can break the teeth.City Centre Dentists suggests that people should have awareness about their teeth, so that they could keep their confidence maintained.

    • If your teeth are crooked then dentist implants suugest you so many solutions under the following conditions,
    • If your teeth are not properly aligned
    • Not looking good on the face
    • Troublesome to chew or bite
    • Problem in speaking

Dentist suggestion:

It is suggested that you must visit dentist Winnipeg for Dental Implants for the treatment for your crooked teeth. At first stage orthodontist will take X-ray and photographs of the face. He will analyze the teeth impression what style of teeth suits you, article, slide show or tool. Your orthodontist will determine what treatment is required. The photographs will be taken to determine the condition and status of the teeth, jaws and head. After that a final impression of your teeth is taken on a soft material so that the dummy of your teeth should be like genuine.

How can it be treated?


Once a treatment is started, and you r teeth are diagnosed, it’s your dentist who can suggest you better suggestions. For some people a detachable retainer can fixed the position of the teeth. If you are facing the problem of overcrowding than removal of teeth one or two is better. Sometimes dentist suggest braces to fix the teeth. In extreme cases like overbite and underbite operation is required. This is how you can get rid of these complexities. For kids overlapped and crooked teeth are big problem so its needs to be treated wisely.